SHAOKE is dedicated to enabling the full potential of global businesses. We have operated in Europe and China for eight years and have recorded steady growth under our corporate values.

Think Global, Act Local.

Be Professional and be a Professional.

Share to Grow and Collaborate to Win.

Open and Transparent for Solutions.

Be Inclusive & Respect Diversity.

Do the Right Thing for Clients even if it's Hard.

Perks of Working at SHAOKE

  • Make a Difference

    During turbulences, the fundamental value of supply chains, to either a society or a company, has been constantly exposed and reaffirmed. We are making a difference, and we hope you do too.

  • Global Vision & Practice

    Work at a company running global businesses, learn from international benchmarks and your global peers, and grow with your daily practices.

  • Inclusion & Diversity

    Work takes up at least 1/3 of your weekday life, so ensure that you stay comfortable in an environment that accepts your difference and personal identity.

  • Professionalism

    Be Professional and be a professional. We are result-driven, fact-based, and detail-focused.

  • Youth & Growth

    Work with a team that's young and passionate, and gain rapid personal growth in an environment that allows you to express your ideas and try.

  • Work-life Balance

    You enjoy your work only when you enjoy your life. Get inspiration from your free time and get them translated into work.